The human body is a remarkable, durable thing. It can take a lot of punishment and still operate at a high level.
Unfortunately, a dog bite attack can do severe damage and leave you with significant pain and long-term injuries. Among the most common results of a dog bite attack are broken bones.
New Jersey dog bite attorney David J. Cowhey has seen many clients come into his office with breaks and fractures caused by their attacks. These broken bones take a long time to heal, and treating them is expensive.
If you’re a New Jersey resident dealing with broken bones from a dog bite attack, our attorney wants to speak to you about your case. Please call David J. Cowhey at 609-283-5636 or contact us online for a free consultation.
One of the points we have emphasized throughout this site is the seriousness of dog bite attacks. We do so because we want you to know that we understand what you’re dealing with. We know that your attack was not a small thing- it was a serious incident that should be treated as such.
The broken bones we’ve seen are sad evidence of this reality.
Many people don’t associate dog bite attacks with broken bones, but they’re a common result of these attacks. There are two common ways in which bones break during attacks
Neck and back injuries are often related to breaks or fractures.
It shouldn’t need to be said, but a broken bone is a serious issue. Treating these injuries requires a significant investment of time and money, and there is also a lot of pain and discomfort to deal with.
Our New Jersey dog bite lawyer will vigorously pursue the compensation you deserve. Mr. Cowhey won’t be intimidated by the insurance companies, and he has a proven track record of successfully representing innocent victims like you.
If you live anywhere in New Jersey and you want a dog bite law firm you know you can trust, please call David J. Cowhey at 609-283-5636 or contact us online for a free consultation
Being attacked by someone else’s dog is not only a terrifying event but can also be exceptionally dangerous. In fact, a dog’s bite can break a bone and lead to a wide range of related complications. Some dog bite victims require extensive treatment, including surgery, and they might have permanent disfigurement.
When a dog bites you, there are options to hold them liable for your medical bills and other injury-related losses. If you or someone you love is injured as a result of a dog bite, turn to an experienced New Jersey dog bite lawyer for the skilled legal guidance you need.
One of the primary factors related to a dog’s strength – and therefore the risk it poses – is its bite force, which can be measured scientifically in pounds per square inch (psi). This standard measurement specifies the amount of force that is exerted by a dog’s jaw per square inch of space.
By way of comparison, consider the following:
While a dog bite is never as terrifying as a crocodile, it is still a traumatizing experience that can result in a range of physical injuries, including broken bones.
The strength of an animal’s bite hinges on the size of its body and skull – as well as its jaw shape – and this applies across the board, including dogs. As such, dog breeds with the largest heads have the highest bite force, with mastiffs topping the chart.
While any dog’s bite can be dangerous, the following mastiff breeds have the strongest bite force and are most likely to cause serious injuries such as broken bones:
From here, we move to bulldog breeds, including:
Third up are shepherd breeds, including:
Finally, we address miscellaneous breeds with exceptionally strong bites, including:
Runners-up in terms of bite force include the following:
Other factors that can affect how ferocious a dog’s attack will be and how likely it is to cause very serious injuries, such as bone breaks, include the following:
Your own dog is undoubtedly your best friend, but a stranger’s dog can be frightening. The fact is that some dogs are more dangerous than others, but the statistics may surprise you. If you or someone you know has been harmed by a dog bite or attack, the injuries sustained can be exceptionally serious, which makes reaching out to an experienced New Jersey dog bite lawyer an important early step.
When it comes to dangerous dogs, the trait of aggression plays a significant role, and according to, the two breeds in this country that are the most aggressive and, therefore, the most dangerous are pit bull terriers and rottweilers.
The eye-opening statistics related to pit bull terriers and rottweilers include the following:
A quality that makes pit bulls especially dangerous is that they often attack without displaying any sign of aggression or giving any other warning.
The debate over nature vs. nurture rages on, but K9 of Mine reports that a mixture of both play a role in how aggressive a dog is. These dog experts share that a dog’s temperament, behavioral tendencies, and personality are all passed to it genetically, but these factors are not 100 percent heritable. How a dog is raised, trained, and socialized all matter in relation to a dog’s overall temperament, which is thought to be about 40 percent attributable to genetics and about 60 percent attributable to the environment.
As such, some dogs are far more likely to attack as a pure matter of their genetics, but the environment in which they were raised and live can play a significant role in how this plays out in the world.
Owning a dog comes with an immense responsibility to the animal itself and to those it interacts with. While pet owners should employ all due care whenever their dogs are around strangers, those who own breeds that are known for aggression need to exercise greater vigilance. Some helpful tips for mitigating the risk of dangerous dog breeds include the following:
The number one tip for ensuring that your dog never harms anyone is by never giving the animal the chance. Showing off how well your pet behaves is a terrible idea. Resist the urge to put other people and other pets at risk by avoiding situations in which your dog has the opportunity to bite.
Having a healthy fear of strange dogs is well advised. There are, however, some steps you can take to help protect yourself and your children from dog bites, including:
If you are in a situation in which you are afraid a dog may attack, there are some important dos and don’ts that you should know and implement, including:
If you have been injured by someone else’s dog, it’s time to reach out for the help you need, and David J. Cowhey at The New Jersey Dog Bite Lawyer is on your side. David’s practice focuses on complex dog bite claims, and his impressive experience skillfully guides every case he takes on. Obtaining the compensation to which you are entitled is critical to your recovery, and we can help you with that. To learn more about what we can do for you, please don’t wait to contact us online or call us at 866-343-3181 today.
A dog’s bite can exert sufficient force to crush or break a victim’s bone, and the nature of dog attacks means that such breaks are likely to be complicated – rather than simple breaks, which are still exceptionally painful and slow to heal but are less likely to cause secondary health concerns and complications. The bite of a strong dog can easily rip through a victim’s flesh and can break bones in the process.
Every broken bone requires prompt medical attention, but if the break in question is the result of a major trauma like a dog mauling, it is – according to the Mayo Clinic – time to call 911.
The Mayo Clinic reports that all of the following are telltale signs that the injured person has suffered a serious break and needs prompt emergency care:
If the dog bite victim isn’t breathing or doesn’t have a heartbeat, begin CPR while you wait for the authorities to arrive.
The treatment for broken bones sustained in a dog attack generally includes all the following:
The areas of the body most likely to be attacked by a dog are the lower legs, the neck and face region, and the hands – all of which can lead to serious health complications and long, difficult recoveries.
A broken bone is a serious injury that requires professional medical attention early on. If you or someone you care about has suffered a break as a result of a dog attack, the most important step you can take in relation to your health and recovery is obtaining the medical attention that you need.
A broken bone that goes without adequate medical care can become an even more serious health concern and can lead to long-lasting complications that can include chronic pain and serious losses related to your range of motion. Because dogs rip and tear the flesh – rather than slice through it cleanly – the damage is far more likely to cause serious complications that often mean multiple surgeries and considerable ongoing care.
If someone else’s dog leaves you injured, obtaining just compensation that fairly addresses your full range of physical, financial, and emotional losses can play a critical role in your overall recovery. In your dog bite claim, you can seek compensation in three primary categories.
If you suffered a break as a result of a dog attack, your medical costs are likely to be extensive, and they’re unlikely to go away any time soon. Common medical expenses include:
If you’ve suffered a broken bone, it can easily interfere with your ability to do your job in the short term and could permanently affect your ability to continue working in the same capacity. If your overall career is affected, it can have emotional repercussions as well as financial consequences.
The pain, suffering, and sheer terror of being savagely attacked by someone else’s dog is difficult to overstate. In fact, the emotional effects can be crippling. Many victims develop an outsized fear of dogs and can even have trouble venturing outside and enjoying their lives the way they did prior to the incident.
If someone else’s dog leaves you or someone you love with a broken bone, David J. Cowhey at The New Jersey Dog Bite Lawyer is a seasoned dog bite lawyer who dedicates his impressive experience and legal insight to forcefully defending the rights of valued clients like you – in pursuit of claim resolutions that support their most complete recoveries. Our trusted legal team is on your side and here to help, so please reach out to us through our online form or call David J. Cowhey at 866-259-4377 for more information about what we can do to help you today.